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Formally Verified EVM Golf and Reverse Bug Bounties by Martin Lundfall, Lev Livnev (Devcon5)
Formal Verification Talk
Martin Lundfall of Circles discusses a crypto-based Universal Basic Income
EthCC 2: Martin Lundfall
Lightning Talk: Martin Lundfall (Maker/Dapphub)
Yan Michalevsky on "Ethereum Bugs Through the Lens of Formal Verification"
Leo Alt : Fully Automated Formal Verification: How far can we go?
Lev Livnev,, Symbolic Capital Partners - Private Trade Settlement and Dark Pools
Ryan Stortz & Sophia D'Antoine - “EVM2VEC: Bug Discovery in Smart Contracts”
Bounty Talks v1.5 - Ignacio Bonilla (Ombu)
Mev.Day Batch auction deep dive panel - Chicago Booth, Cowswap, Gauntlet, SCP